Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It’s funny how a laugh can change a day, how a chuckle or a shared joke with an old friend can create and evoke such strong emotion. The sound of an old friends hysterical laugh can stir up memories from years gone by, can bring one to the verge of tears, or can cause a similar response of hysteria in oneself. Laughter must be a gift from God. To me, there is no denying the beauty in the laugh of a small child or in the deep belly laugh of a grandfather. People say that God rejoices in his people, I can only guess that this rejoicing is even more so when his people are laughing.
Laughter is infectious, contagious, and incurable. When engaged in the complete and utter helplessness of a laughing fit one can truly begin to appreciate this gift from God the Father. With tears streaming down a joyous face, abdominal muscles burning from all the tension one can then, and only then, realize the true joy in the simplicity of life. The pain and discomfort from hysterical is always followed by that unforgettable feeling of euphoria. It is amazing to think of this body that God has created, and see it in all it’s glory writhing in the hysterics of a laughing fit.
What is strange about laughing is that the more one does it, the easier it is to continue to do so. Have you ever tried to stop laughing in the middle of the aforementioned laughing fit? If so you know that this generally leads to only more hysterical, even maniacal laughter. It’s difficult to say why this happens, perhaps it is the sheer hilarity of the situation or perhaps it is because one must know that laughter is the best medicine. Have you ever felt sad or depressed after laughing hysterically for any amount of time? Have you ever felt sick? I would assume, or at least hope that you say no to this. Even today my roommates and I sitting around our kitchen table laughed hysterically about basically nothing. In those immediate, almost intimate moments of the calm after the storm of laughter, I felt nothing but bliss - sheer unadulterated happiness. Is there anything as simple as a good laugh in this life that is able to produce such a great amount of joy?
Yes, for me I must say that laughter is a blessed, glorious gift from God. And the people who can make us laugh must also be great gifts from the Father above. Really, if you think about it who was probably the first person to make you laugh? It was probably your own father, the guy who you puked on or disgusted with your “infant tendencies” ie. peeing/crying/puking/pooping in awkward circumstances.
I truly believe that if we are to embrace this life fully we must laugh everyday. Not just a chuckle, but a full blown ab-wrenching, tear-jerking, breath-holding laugh. One that shakes us to the core of our being and reminds us that life is not all business, not all homework, not all tragedy, but that there really is true joy in everything and everyone around us.

Words of advice for laughter:
1. Watch Ellen Degeneres stand up. (yes this is a definite promo... but I cannot lie... I think she is HIL-freaking-ARIOUS!)
2. Have plenty of tissue ready to wipe up those tears of joy.
3. Try forcing a laugh, it is really so ridiculous that you eventually burst into hysteria... it definitely worked for my roommate Kyla.
4. Sit for an extended period of time and talk about nothing with people you love the most something hilarious always seems to develop when you allow yourself to be surrounded by those people. Some of the best laughs in my entire life came from sitting with my brother at the dinner table when we were supposed to be eating our vegetables or in sitting with cousins at one of those extended family events.
5. DO NOT TICKLE!!!! This is a 100% DON’T!!! (the person may seem like they are laughing but really they are in complete and utter agony - DON’T EVER FORCIBLY TICKLE SOMEONE: it will only result in one of the parties getting seriously injured)
6. WARNING: Forcing a laugh at an unfunny joke can result in many terrible, unfunny jokes to be told in the future. A slight chuckle is best suited in that situation.
7. Not every “funny” email is a FUNNY email. A good thing to remember, if you are not busting your gut laughing, chances are the person you email it to won’t do so either so keep those emails to yourself.