Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Breath of Life...

So tonight I had a long overdue session with my iTunes and the relatively new application "genius." This has resulted in more than a CD's worth of new music for me to feast my ears upon.

Sometimes I forget just how life giving music can be. Music can be the what brings you up out of your blues, or it can help to intensify whatever it is you're feeling in the moment. Whether that feeling is sadness, happiness, insecurity, hope, music seems to draw emotions out in an even purer form. Now most people would take a listen through my most played on iTunes and think that I'm depressed or sad, but actually I just love my music slow, heartfelt, and emotional. I mean every now and again a dance party is in order. But when I'm working, cooking, falling asleep, walking, driving, or just hanging out, I'd prefer to listen to music that has feeling, meaning, lyrics.

I love music dripping with the angst of the musician. I need to feel music in my heart, and that might not even make sense, but its how I feel. Music helps me to clear my head, which isn't an easy thing to do. Deeply lyrical songs help me to express what I'm feeling when I can't find my own words to do so.

I'm totally that girl you see belting her little heart out while she's driving down the highway. And, yes, it usually is actually my heart. When I'm upset I can rarely put what I'm feeling into words and it usually ends up with me crying or just mumbling incoherently. I find that music speaks the words that I can't bring myself to say, whether they are angry or heartbroken or happy, music speaks for me when I can't myself.

Long story short, tonight has been very cathartic for me and has been long overdue. Thank goodness for iTunes and for new music to express myself.

Check out some of the artists I found tonight:
Yael Naim, Caroline Herring, Chris Pureka, Tina Dico, Kerri Noble, Gregory Alan Iskanov (ok so I found him a while ago, but I'm love him!)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wow. Blog fail.

Hmm, where to begin..

It's 2011.. the last time I blogged was September 2010.. Apparently I have had a lot of other stuff going on and haven't quite found time to blog.

I've been inspired by some friends' blogs (and watched Julie&Julia yesterday for the umpteenth time) and think its high time for me to start writing again. That being said however, I'm pretty sure that being in academia for four years has stolen the creative and interesting writing out of my head and has left only boring, research-type writing in its wake. This breaks my heart because in my high school days I was quite the writer. In fact, I dreamed of going to university and being an English major, eventually planning on becoming a writer. This was all well and good until I reached university, took my first English course, wrote my first paper, and received a C+... I couldn't believe it, my "dream" came crashing down around me and I decided that I couldn't be an English major... I spent the rest of my first year as an undeclared (and unprepared) bachelor of arts student.

Eventually I decided that I would be a Theology major. It was interesting and less "explain the symbolism" than English was.. This new major translated into a TON of papers and a TON of reading, this became even more so when I opted for a minor in History. Thus my academic career has consisted of research papers, term papers, position papers, book reviews, source studies and the like. My GPA has reflected that I am fairly adept at these types of papers. Unfortunately this past semester when asked to write a Maclean's-type article for my American Political History class my academic brain drew a blank! I could not for the life of me remember how to write an interesting, yet informative paper and the resultant grade was strong evidence for that.

Don't get me wrong, I love the academic writing I am forced to do, but it breaks my heart a little when I think of my youthful dreams of being a writer.  I like to say that university has "sucked the creativity out of me" but I think that I am just as much at fault as my school is. There is a way to write an interesting research paper, but perhaps I just haven't found it yet.

There's my random rambling for the day..