Friday, March 14, 2008

Bathing.... in the dark?

So last semester I was “trying” to study for my Astronomy final by reading my textbook. As I was reading I kept getting distracted by every little thing so I thought, I’ll take a bath, nothing to distract me in there -- I’ll read my textbook in the bath, yup brilliant. So I get my bath all ready and I take my textbook in there and start reading. I guess before I go on I should explain how our bathroom lights are set up: the sink is separate from the bathroom (so the toilet and shower are in one little room and the sink is next to it.. picking up what I’m laying down? -- I hope so) and they each have their own lights, but there is one switch for both of the lights. Now that that is clear, back to my story. So I’m sitting in the bathtub reading away... or rather, almost falling asleep when I hear my roommate get up and come over to the “bathroom area”. I guess she decided to wash her hands or something. Anyways, she does whatever she was doing at the sink and she turns the lights off (remember the one switch that controls both lights?). I think to myself, oh, well she probably just forgot momentarily that I’m in here and will flick the lights back on after she remembers, especially because when she’s in the shower and I brush my teeth I always almost turn the lights out on her but I catch myself. So I’m sitting there in the dark waiting for the lights to come back on... but they don’t. I hear her leave the “bathroom area” and go back to the other part of our room. At this point I’m thinking, CRAP! So I start yelling her name, “KYLA!!! KYLA!!!”, then I hear her get up from her bed again and I’m thinking, yeah, she’s going to come turn the lights on!!!, but then I hear her walk past the “bathroom area” and walk into the hallway. I’m like, what the heck is she doing??, I guess she thought someone was calling her from down the hall. So then as she’s coming back into our room I time my cry for help for when she’s right by the “bathroom area” and again, I hear her turn around and go back into the hall. But this time she goes down the hall into my friend Arielle’s room. Turns out she went to ask Arielle if she was calling her, of course Arielle is so confused. Meanwhile, I’m sitting buck-naked in the bathtub, in the dark. Next, the phone rings, so Kyla answers it and its her family. So I’m like, frick, I’m never getting the lights turned back on am I?, so I just decide to get out and get dressed because I’m obviously not getting any reading done now that I’m sitting in a pool of my own filth in the dark. So I climb out of the tub, get dressed and wander my way out into our room. My roommate, Kyla, is sitting on her bed talking to her Dad on the phone, so I hand signal her that she turned off the lights on me, and she gasps SO loud into the phone. It was so funny. She like covers the mouthpiece and looks at me with big eyes and says, “Oh my gosh Katie, I’m so sorry!!!” And I just burst out laughing. I was probably sitting in the dark for like 10(ish) minutes.

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