Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pet Peeves

This will be short and sweet, as it is 2:20am.
(Sheesh, go to sleep Katie)

I think pet peeves are a manifestation of our own downfalls and annoyances. I mean really, who is actually annoyed because someone has something stuck in their teeth, or they put clothes on their animals, etc etc. It seems to me that pet peeves are solely the qualities that we least want to see in ourselves appearing in other people. Take, for example, one of my pet peeves: blogs that are never updated, or have long been forgotten. This is quite hilarious, considering that my own blog, the one you are reading, or aren't, right now has not seen an entry for over a year. OVER A YEAR! I suppose when the people who's blogs I read don't update and I get annoyed or frustrated, its merely a reflection of my own disdain for my lackluster blogging habits. This irony is kind of ridiculous and hilarious. I thought that perhaps I should share it with you.

Though I don't think anyone is actually reading this.. hmm.

1 comment:

Bree said...

I read it!!

Granted it has been almost a month since you posted it...

However, I would just like to say that you should post more often because I enjoy reading your musings on various subjects.