Sunday, February 10, 2008

This is it.

This is it.
My first, well, okay, technically second "first" blog post on blogger... I deleted my first one after noticing that I had a spelling mistake in the title of my blog. (yes, I was ashamed and I couldn't change it...)
So, in this blog you'll find random, funny, sad, influential, angry, emotional, and silly posts...
Most likely the entries you find will range from random middle of the night ramblings to mid-afternoon jaunts with numerous verbs, nouns, and adjectives....
Some days I'll try to lighten your mood and others I'll be trying to get those tear ducts a-flowing (not on purpose, it just tends to happen sometimes). So prepare yourselves for the emotional rollercoaster called: "The Random Thoughts of One Wallbaum".

So hope to be radically annoying/influencing ya'll sometime soon.

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